Title Tag, goes between <title></title>

META Description Tag (Limit 80 Characters)

META Keywords Tag (Limit 200 Characters)

Don't forget to submit your 
website to our search engine.

This META Tag machine is provided free for your use. See a list of other useful scripts I've written here.

The importance of META tags cannot be over emphasized. They allow search engines to index your site, thereby making your site available for searching worldwide.

Some "Spiders" use the information contained within META Tags to index your Web page. In most cases a Spider will grab only the first few words or sentences and use those words as the description and keywords for your Web page. META Tags on the other hand tell the Spider what information to use. You use the keywords attribute to tell the search engines which keywords to use, like this:

META Tags MUST be placed between your <HEAD> and </HEAD> Tags. Below is a sample of their use (highlighted in Green): <HTML>
<TITLE>Your Web Page Title</TITLE>
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Your description">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="keyword1 keyword2">
The body of your web page goes here.

Below is an example of how meta tags are used

Using the META description attribute, you add your own description for your page:

Make sure that you use several of your keywords in your description. Just for the spiders that do not look at META tags, you may want to include the same description enclosed in comment tags. To do that, just use the regular comment tags, like this:

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